VonAllmen Capital Partners is a small collection of individuals who invest our own money to purchase middle market privately held businesses
At VonAllmen Capital Partners we strictly adhere to a buy-and-hold mentality. As an organization we look to continue to maintain the current business, and we make it our mission to see your business continue to grow and flourish for many years into the future. At no point during our evaluation process are we thinking about when we can sell. Our greatest successes have come from businesses that we owned for numerous decades.
We understand that selling a business is an emotional decision and that there are many non-financial considerations and concerns that a business owner has. Because it is our desire to maintain and preserve the core principles that made your business a successful organization, in any purchase our main goal is to create a seamless shift in ownership. We take a genuine interest in understanding the unique qualities that make your business a winner, and we can often accommodate specific requests such as keeping on employees who have helped to grow the business.
In many cases the seller retains a portion of the ownership in the company, and some agree to work part time in a consulting capacity. Owners who have sold to us in the past have been able to take pride in watching the company they’ve built continue to prosper, still following the course they set for it many years ago.
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